Homemade dietary shawarma. Homemade PP-shawarma with chicken: fitness recipes

Surely many of you love to treat yourself to such a hearty delicacy as shawarma. Are you ready to eat it for breakfast and dinner? But what should those who “sit” on a diet and adhere to a certain nutritional system do? The option of “giving up something tasty” doesn’t suit you at all? Then there is a solution - dietary shawarma.

Today we will share with you a recipe that will be a godsend for those who follow a healthy diet and do not want to eat anything fried or fatty. Diet shawarma, the recipe for which we will offer you today, will not scare you with its high calorie content, high fat content and heaviness in the stomach.

Yes, even a dish like shawarma can be low-calorie. And, by the way, a fairly inexpensive set of products, which can also be varied if desired, which is a big plus for the dish.

Ingredients for the first recipe

  • Lavash (one piece per serving).
  • One small tomato.
  • Two tablespoons of pickled mushrooms.
  • 200 grams of chicken breast.
  • Hard cheese (if desired and without breaking the calorie barrier).

Ingredients for the second option

Kefir sauce

As you understand, diet shawarma cannot be prepared using fatty mayonnaise or high-calorie tomato paste with starch, etc. Therefore, we suggest you prepare a low-calorie sauce. It will consist of:

  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • A small bunch of fresh herbs (dill, parsley).
  • Pinches of ground black pepper.
  • One hundred grams of pickled cucumbers.
  • Hot red pepper (optional).

The process of preparing homemade shawarma. Option one

First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. When preparing a dish such as a dietary one, we first pay attention to this particular ingredient. The chicken breast should be peeled (if any) and boiled in lightly salted water. After this, take out the meat and let it cool completely at room temperature.

Diet shawarma at home is prepared from those products that are available in the refrigerator for the season. Today we are preparing a “winter” version and using salted mushrooms. All ingredients must be finely chopped.

Spread lavash on the table. As a rule, the standard recipe contains a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup, full-fat sour cream and kefir in the form of sauce. But since we are preparing homemade diet shawarma, we will grease the pita bread with kefir sauce. For lubrication, you can use a special silicone brush or a regular tablespoon.

Next on the list is adding meat. We recommend not cutting the chicken breast, but tearing it into small pieces with your hands. After the meat comes a layer of tomatoes, then cucumbers and mushrooms. If you wish, you can add some other pickled vegetables, for example, eggplant or cabbage. It will also be very tasty and low in calories.

All that remains is to wrap a sheet of pita bread in a large roll and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. You can also use special grill stoves, which allow you to heat the shawarma without using oil.

Homemade shawarma. Option two

If someone thinks that pickled vegetables and mushrooms are still quite filling and high-calorie food, then we offer a second, even easier option. This dietary shawarma can be called (as opposed to the first) “summer”. Only fresh vegetables will be present here.

As in the first recipe, all ingredients are finely chopped. Peking cabbage is torn into small pieces by hand. We do the same with boiled chicken meat. Grate the sausage cheese on a coarse grater. You can, of course, use regular hard cheese, but in terms of calories it will be much more unhealthy than processed cheese. Choose for yourself.

Spread the lavash. Spread it and then place all the ingredients in layers: chicken, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, cheese. Roll up the roll and place in the oven for two to three minutes.

Variations on the theme “diet shawarma”

If you didn’t like the first two recipes or didn’t have some ingredients in the refrigerator, then we offer you a whole list of options for preparing this dish. Among them, you will probably find your own, which will satisfy you both in terms of calories and taste.

Sauces for homemade shawarma

So, if you decide, on our advice, to prepare a dish such as dietary shawarma (recipe with photo attached), then take note of a couple more tips. After you choose a certain set of low-calorie products that you will use to prepare shawarma, we advise you to stock up on sauce recipes. As a rule, when “sitting” on a diet and allowing yourself only certain foods, a person feels that they quickly begin to get boring. In this case, only a variety of sauces and dressings can save the situation.

Mustard sauce

It will give the dish a very specific taste. It is prepared from dry mustard and low-fat cream. Mix mustard and cream in equal proportions. If you want to make the dish more spicy, then reduce the amount of cream. If you don’t like it spicy, then accordingly reduce the content of mustard powder.


For lovers of exotic flavors in the taste of familiar dishes, we recommend preparing orange dressing. Homemade shawarma with this sauce will turn out to be very unusual, but certainly very tasty. By the way, this sauce will be perfect for any meat dishes, and not just for home-made shawarma.

Squeeze the juice from one large orange. Add half a teaspoon of liquid honey, a pinch of dried ginger, basil, parsley, and cilantro. Next, add one teaspoon of non-hot mustard. If you like it hot, add red pepper instead of mustard.

Armenian pomegranate sauce is also perfect for homemade shawarma. It has a sweet and sour taste and goes well with meat. You don’t have to cook it yourself; it is sold in almost every supermarket. This will save you cooking time, which is a big plus for busy housewives.

Many people associate shawarma with street food, which is sold in markets and train stations, and which is very easy to poison. If you buy such a dish in such establishments, you can not only harm your stomach, but also gain a couple of extra pounds. There is a way out of this situation, and this is preparing homemade diet shawarma. Diet shawarma can be consumed even on a diet, the main thing is to know the correct recipe. You can use it as a snack, and even take it to work or school. During the cooking process, it is important to use fresh and high-quality products; it is especially worth paying attention to the date of production of pita bread.

Diet shawarma recipes

Diet shawarma - recipe No. 1: First you need to prepare the vegetables. To do this, you will need to cut two fresh cucumbers into slices. Cut two fresh tomatoes into half rings, also add 2 bell peppers and one white onion. Finely chop a bunch of fresh spinach. 500 g of chicken fillet must be boiled in lightly salted water. Cut Armenian thin lavash into two parts, grease with low-fat yogurt, add spinach, then chicken and vegetables. Wrap it up and give it time to soak. Diet chicken shawarma is ready.

Shawarma recipe No. 2: To prepare, rinse 200 grams of chicken fillet under running water and boil. 150 g of low-fat hard cheese must be grated. One pickled cucumber should be cut into thin rings. 300 g of porcini mushrooms need to be washed, chopped and fried over low heat with a minimum amount of oil. Armenian thin lavash needs to be spread, spread with low-fat yogurt or tomato paste, put all the ingredients in, and rolled into a roll.

Shawarma recipe No. 3: To prepare, you need to boil 50 grams of turkey fillet and cut into cubes. Cut one small onion into thin rings. Spread thin pita bread, spread it with yogurt, then put 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese, place a couple of lettuce leaves, add boiled fillet and onions. Roll up, the diet shawarma is ready.

Shawarma recipe No. 4: To prepare, you need to spread thin Armenian lavash, place 60 g of cottage cheese on it and distribute evenly, add a little salt. Then add 30 g of marinated mussels, 30 g of boiled squid, 30 g of marinated octopus, and 30 g of boiled shrimp. Add 50 grams of Chinese cabbage, 50 grams of arugula. Wrap it up and the diet shawarma in pita bread is ready.

Diet sauce for shawarma

Garlic sauce for shawarma: For preparation you need 100 g of low-fat sour cream, 100 g of kefir, 30 g of grated garlic, 5 grams of red pepper, a bunch of parsley. Mix all ingredients, the sauce is ready.

Tomato sauce: To prepare, you need to grate or mince one fresh tomato. Add 30 g of tomato paste and spices to it. The sauce is ready.

Light shawarma sauce: To prepare, you need to mix 100 grams of low-fat yogurt, 15 grams of mustard, 20 g of lemon juice, 5 grams of coriander, 5 g of oregano. The sauce is ready.

You can eat dietary shawarma without fear for your figure and stomach condition.

Preparing shawarma is very simple and quick if you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. This is what makes it such a popular snack for everyone. And those who want to lose weight or simply follow a healthy diet sometimes also want to treat themselves to simple and tasty shawarma. But what often stops us is that shawarma contains fried meat, often mayonnaise or other fatty sauces... It’s hard to call such food healthy. Therefore, those who are on a diet often wonder: can shawarma be dietary? Of course, it can - if you prepare it correctly and from the right products. If you show your imagination, you can always prepare incredibly tasty, juicy, aromatic and at the same time very healthy shawarma.

Secrets of preparing dietary shawarma

There are several secrets to preparing dietary shawarma.

  • Firstly, before buying lavash, you need to make sure that it is made from unleavened dough and not from yeast dough.
  • Secondly, it is very undesirable to fry the ingredients, and if you cannot do without it, then you need to fry them for no more than five minutes, and in healthy vegetable oil.
  • Thirdly, an important aspect in preparing shawarma for proper nutrition is vegetables. They must be fresh, and in quantitative terms there must be more of them than vegetables.
  • And finally, a few words about dressing or sauce for shawarma. Of course, you don’t need to add mayonnaise to it, or, at least, make homemade mayonnaise for this dish. But it is better to make a dressing from lemon juice or a small amount of soy sauce. You can also use garlic sauce with kefir or yogurt, low-fat sour cream, and so on.
  • The main ingredient of any shawarma is meat. But it is better to make chicken as the main ingredient of dietary shawarma; in addition, it can be fish, seafood, mushrooms and just vegetables.

Diet shawarma: recipes

1. Shawarma with chicken fillet and spinach

Divide the chicken breast into relatively large pieces, boil, then fry for 5 minutes. Prepare coarsely chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and whole leaves of green lettuce and spinach. Mix the ingredients, pour in lemon juice, and wrap in unleavened pita bread.

2. Shawarma with chicken fillet, mushrooms and garlic sauce

Boil the chicken fillet without further frying. In a deep bowl, mix pickled mushrooms (any mushrooms, if desired), chopped pickled cucumbers, boiled fillet and boiled potatoes. Pour sauce of low-fat kefir, garlic and pink pepper over everything. Wrap in yeast-free lavash.

3. Shawarma with chicken fillet and Chinese cabbage

Place the boiled chicken breast in a deep bowl. There, cut Chinese cabbage, quail eggs into halves and grate a little hard cheese. Pour homemade low-calorie mayonnaise over all ingredients and add salt. Then wrap it in thin pita bread.

4. Shawarma with seaweed and chicken fillet

The next version of shawarma tastes quite interesting. Mix several quail eggs with boiled or pickled seaweed, add finely chopped boiled chicken fillet. Pour over lemon juice diluted with water and wrap in yeast-free pita bread.

5. Shawarma with beef, cheese and bell pepper

Boil lean beef, then quickly fry. Place on pita bread greased with low-fat sour cream and add salt. Place a layer of grated cheese on top, then stewed bell pepper and herbs.

6. Shawarma with onions and fish

Shawarma does not have to be cooked with meat - the fish version of this dish can also be considered quite dietary. If you do not use it every day, then it will not affect your figure in any way. Boil or fry the mackerel fillet (optional). Place a thin layer of fresh onion on the pita bread, sprinkle it with salt, then place the fish and add herbs. Wrap the edges with an envelope.

7. Salmon shawarma

Place lightly salted salmon on pita bread, sprinkle a little lemon juice on top. Add a lot of different greens and onions. Shawarma is ready.

8. Shawarma with shrimp

Shawarma can be prepared not only with meat or fish, but also with seafood, such as shrimp, and this will be an excellent dietary option. Boil and peel the shrimp; no need to cut them. Prepare tomato and cucumber cut into strips and your favorite greens. Grease a sheet of lavash with low-fat sour cream, add salt and pepper. Place a layer of shrimp, then vegetables. Fold the edges over and press slightly.

9. Shawarma with carrots

If the diet is very strict, shawarma can be prepared without meat at all. To do this, you need to grate the carrots on a Korean carrot grater, take fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, put yogurt sauce with garlic on the pita bread, add salt, and put vegetables on top. This option turns out to be very easy!

10. Mushroom shawarma

Mushroom shawarma can also be prepared without meat. For this dish, take pickled mushrooms, which are mixed with your favorite vegetables. It is good to add a few drops of soy sauce to it. This shawarma goes well with garlic sauce or just low-fat sour cream.

Few people associate shawarma with a healthy diet, and this is completely in vain. In fact, it can be healthy and low-calorie if you replace the fatty sauce in its composition with a lighter dressing, avoid fatty meats and fry the ingredients included in the filling. After all, the vegetables that make up a significant part of the filling are not very high in calories, and real Armenian lavash is prepared without oil, eggs and yeast, so it also does not have a high energy value. So, the taste of dietary shawarma is not too different from traditional one, but even those who are on a diet and watching their figure can afford it.

Cooking features

In order for shawarma to be not too high in calories and healthy, but at the same time retain its unique taste, you need to know a few subtleties:

  • Unleavened dough, which is most often used to make Armenian lavash, is not very nutritious; 100 g of such a product contains about 250 kcal, however, some manufacturers, wanting to make lavash more tasty, change the recipe. When purchasing lavash in a store, be sure to study its composition, refusing to buy a product containing oil and eggs. If you prepare flatbread at home, also choose the simplest recipe, which contains nothing but flour, water and salt.
  • Use only lean meat for the filling, giving preference to chicken breast, turkey, and rabbit. Instead of meat, you can use fish and seafood. You can even get by with mushrooms, vegetables, cottage cheese, and low-fat cheese.
  • Aim for at least two-thirds of the filling to be fresh herbs and vegetables.
  • Do not fry the ingredients included in the filling.
  • Skip mayonnaise in favor of Greek yogurt, low-fat sour cream, yogurt and kefir, to which you can add herbs, garlic, a little tomato sauce or mustard.

Recipe for unleavened dough for lavash

  • wheat flour – 0.3 kg;
  • water (boiling water) – 150 ml;
  • salt – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour.
  • Boil water, let it stand for a couple of minutes, dissolve salt in it.
  • Pour water into the flour in a thin stream and stir it with a mixer. Continue stirring the dough until the water has absorbed all the flour and the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Cover the dough with plastic and leave for half an hour in a warm place.
  • Knead the dough with your hands and roll it into a sausage. Cut it into 7 parts, from each make a thin layer with a diameter of 28–30 cm. If the frying pan in which you are going to fry the flatbreads has a larger diameter, the “sausage” from the text should be cut into fewer pieces. And vice versa: a smaller diameter pan will require more pieces of smaller sizes.
  • Heat a frying pan without oil and place one layer of dough on it. Fry for about half a minute until the batter begins to bubble.
  • Turn the tortilla over and fry it on the other side for the same amount of time.
  • Remove the homemade pita bread from the pan. Place it on a damp cloth, cover with another damp cloth.
  • Fry the rest of the tortillas in the same way, remembering to transfer them with wet napkins.

One flat cake with a diameter of 30 cm will require approximately 150 g of filling. The size of the flatbread corresponds to approximately half of store-bought Armenian lavash.

Diet shawarma with chicken breast

  • Armenian lavash – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken breast (fillet) – 0.2–0.25 kg;
  • cucumber – 100 g;
  • sweet pepper – 100 g;
  • tomatoes – 100 g;
  • purple onion – 50 g;
  • fresh spinach – 50 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • Greek yogurt – 100 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut into thin strips.
  • Finely chop the cucumber.
  • Boil the chicken breast, cut into small cubes.
  • Cut the tomatoes into halves.
  • Cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour boiling water over it, drain the water.
  • Finely chop the spinach with a knife.
  • Pass the garlic through a press and mix with Greek yogurt, adding a pinch of salt.
  • Mix all ingredients and top with yogurt.
  • Divide the filling into approximately 4 parts.
  • Cut each pita bread in half. Place the pita halves with the even cut side up.
  • At a distance of about 10 cm from the edge, place a quarter of the filling on each sheet, tuck the side and bottom edges, and roll into a roll.
  • Heat diet shawarma with chicken breast in the microwave or in a dry frying pan.

Chicken breast shawarma satisfies hunger well, but does not pose the risk of ruining your figure.

Diet shawarma with turkey

  • turkey fillet – 0.3 kg;
  • white cabbage – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • tomato – 100 g;
  • onions – 50 g;
  • cucumber – 100 g;
  • fresh herbs – 50 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 20 ml;
  • lavash – 2-3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Boil a piece of turkey fillet, preferably from the breast, as breast meat is more tender and dietary. Cool, cut into small cubes.
  • Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Chop the cucumber into thin strips using a vegetable peeler.
  • Chop the peeled carrots in the same way.
  • Cut half the onion into thin half rings.
  • Finely chop the cabbage.
  • Chop the greens.
  • Mix vegetables with turkey fillet and herbs.
  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a separate bowl. Mix it with soy sauce and oil. Season the vegetables and turkey with the resulting mixture.
  • Divide the filling into 2-3 equal parts, wrap each in pita bread. Fry the shawarma on both sides until crispy in a frying pan without oil.

Shawarma according to this recipe turns out juicy, tasty, filling, but not too high in calories. You can take this with you on the road or to work so that you can have something healthy for lunch without spending a lot of time on preparation.

Diet shawarma with seafood

  • boiled squid – 150 g;
  • boiled peeled shrimp – 150 g;
  • marinated mussels – 100 g;
  • Chinese cabbage – 0.2 kg;
  • arugula – 100 g;
  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • unleavened shawarma dough – 0.45 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the cleaned squid into strips and place in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and let the water drain.
  • In another pan, boil the shrimp for 5 minutes, peel them.
  • Measure out the required amount of squid and shrimp and mix them with the marinated mussels.
  • Finely chop the arugula and Chinese cabbage with a knife and mix.
  • Add kefir to the cottage cheese, stir until smooth. You can add a little chopped dill or squeezed garlic to this mixture.
  • Divide the shawarma dough into 6-7 parts. Divide cottage cheese, cabbage with arugula and seafood into the same number of parts.
  • Roll out the dough and make flat cakes from it.
  • Place a little cottage cheese on each flatbread, a mixture of Chinese cabbage and arugula on it, and top with a mixture of shrimp, squid and mussels.
  • Roll each tortilla like a pancake. Place seam side down on a heated frying pan and, pressing with a lid, fry for 15 seconds on each side.

This shawarma will be delicious even when cold.

There are many recipes for preparing dietary shawarma; you can invent your own if you follow the general principles of preparing this tasty and healthy dish.

Shawarma or shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish that has become a fixture in fast food establishments around the world.

Very thinly sliced ​​meat filling with also thinly sliced ​​fresh vegetable salad, topped with sauce and wrapped in thin pita bread or pita - the dish is tasty, satisfying and convenient. And there are also many similar types of dishes, for example in Greece and Cyprus or - - in Israel.

There are many options for preparing shawarma, especially many options for the sauce that is poured over the filling, and the composition of vegetables in the filling salad can be different.

The main difficulty in preparing shawarma yourself is the lack of a special vertical grill for frying meat. Therefore, at home, fried or baked meat or cooked chicken is usually thinly sliced. Yes, the vegetables that are available go into the salad.

Nevertheless, with all these different combinations of products, the final dish turns out delicious, especially since everyone can choose the ingredients to suit their desires.

Since there was baked chicken left at home, I cooked chicken shawarma and everything that was found in the refrigerator that was suitable for this dish.

So the recipe is as simple and unpretentious as possible, but the result is really good.

For homemade chicken shawarma you will need

For 2 large shawarmas.

  • Lavash leaf. 1 large.
  • Chicken meat, baked or fried. No bones. 200 gr.
  • White cabbage. 100 gr.
  • Carrot. 1 PC. Small.
  • Onion. Small.
  • Tomato. 1 PC.
  • Green onions. 1 stem.
  • Garlic. 1-2 cloves. In this case we used , prepared for the winter .
  • Sour cream. 1 tablespoon.
  • Mayonnaise. 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Ground black pepper. Taste.
  • You can also use cucumber, sweet and hot peppers, daikon, radishes, sweet radishes, your favorite greens, and sometimes they even use ketchup as one of the sauce ingredients, so there are a great many possible combinations of ingredients.

We cook shawarma with chicken at home.

In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise, very finely chopped garlic, sour cream and salt. Since this time we used stock instead of garlic, I did not add salt.

This shawarma sauce. Let it sit while the remaining ingredients are prepared.

Cut the cooked chicken meat into very thin strips. If there is no ready-made meat, then the fastest way would be to fry the chicken fillet in a frying pan and then slice it thinly.

The cabbage needs to be chopped very thin. Then place the chopped cabbage in a bowl, sprinkle a little salt and mash with your hands so that the cabbage softens and releases juice.

Tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, if desired, and other vegetables are cut into very thin strips.

Onions, preferably sweet, are cut into very thin half rings. If the onion is sharp, then you can put the chopped onion in a colander, pour boiling water over it and immediately rinse with cold water.

Just chop the greens finely.

Cut the lavash sheet crosswise into 2 parts. Lightly coat each with sauce and place some cabbage with carrots and chopped chicken closer to one short edge. Add tomatoes, onions and herbs.

Then again lay out the cabbage, carrots and other vegetables as desired. Add sour cream and mayonnaise sauce on top.

Be careful, the vegetables will still release their juice, so the filling may turn out too wet and the shawarma will not be very convenient to eat.

Wrap the filling in pita bread. First we bend the side parts, and then completely wrap the filling.

If you use pita, then cut the pita, grease the resulting pocket with sauce and put meat and vegetables in the pita, adding a little sauce.

It tastes best to lightly fry the finished shawarma in a dry frying pan, or on the grill, ideally double-sided or pressing with a spatula. First, the shawarma is laid out seam side down so that the bread is fixed and does not unfold, and after 1-2 minutes, turn it over and fry on the other side.

It’s best to serve shawarma with chicken hot, but it’s also really tasty when it’s cooled. Eat shawarma with your hands, paying attention to the fact that the sauce, mixed with the juice from the vegetables, can leak and start dripping, so it is more convenient to wrap the lower part of the shawarma in a napkin or foil.

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