Photos and descriptions of edible mushrooms. Volushka mushrooms Appearance of photographs of Volushushka mushrooms

This is a delicious delicacy, and collecting them is an incredibly exciting undertaking. Even people who are indifferent to the collecting process at first, who find themselves in the forest and begin at first reluctantly, and after the first “trophy” with great enthusiasm, to look for prey, are carried away by this process and it becomes an integral part of life. This hobby provides wonderful outdoor recreation, and if you're lucky, a tasty harvest.

You should always remember that mushrooms, despite the huge number of positive qualities, are also very dangerous. It is necessary to carefully prepare for a trip to the forest and read literature about edible species.
Today we propose to study the mushrooms in more detail, look at them in the photo and read the description, and also find out how to cook them.

Description and types

Volnushki belong to the genus Milky.

They are lamellar and classified as conditionally edible, which means that before eating them it is necessary to carry out a number of processes, namely soaking the mushrooms in water. Let's take a closer look at the most common types and find out what the mushroom looks like.

Did you know? Surprisingly, mushrooms produce vitamin D if they get enough sunlight, of course. The color of the mushroom cap depends on this.

This mushroom is also often called “white mushroom”; this species mainly grows in groups. A young individual is characterized by a slightly convex white cap.
During ripening, the bulge becomes a funnel and its center darkens slightly. When cut, white juice is released, which subsequently does not oxidize.

The pink volnushka is distinguished by its large pink cap (up to 12 cm in diameter).
The young fungus also has a convex top, which turns into a depression as it matures. The pulp is white and very dense, which is a big plus for transporting the mushroom.

Chemical composition and calorie content

First of all, volushka is an excellent source of protein (47%). In addition, it contains fats (5%), carbohydrates (48%), fiber, many vitamins (A, B, C, PP), as well as minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium). And its calorie content is only 22 kcal per 100 g of product.

What are the benefits of mushrooms?

Due to their saturation with vitamins and minerals, volushki are very beneficial for the skin, hair and eyes. And due to its fairly high protein content, the mushroom only provides benefits to the body.

After all, proteins are amino acids, which bring great benefits to the human body and are involved in almost all vital processes.

Important! Volnushki improve the functioning of the human cardiovascular system, namely lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Where to look for them?

Most often they are found in birch groves, but you can also look for these mushrooms in young pine or mixed pine-birch forests. Mushrooms grow in groups, so you definitely won’t miss them.

What do inedible wavefish look like?

Very dangerous - false specimens or, simply, . Inedible flakes are no exception.
But if you approach their collection responsibly, you can easily avoid confusing them with inedible ones.

Important! You need to know that mushrooms whose caps are gray-green, red-brown and brown with dark spots are inedible!

Cooking options


This product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with high cholesterol levels, those suffering from pancreatitis and those with a removed gallbladder. It should be avoided by children under 12 years of age.

Ordinary edible wavefish, like their white variety, have a very original pattern on the cap in the form of waves diverging in all directions. The description of the volnushka mushrooms is in many ways similar to the white mushrooms, only the color of their cap is pink or yellow, the leg is a little lighter and stronger than those of their white counterparts. Like many other lamellar mushrooms, these mushrooms are not eaten in the West, but in Rus' they are extremely popular.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

The shaggy or wavy lamellar has many names among the common people: volnushki, volvyanka, volzhanka, volvyanitsa and volnovakha - and in all appearance it closely resembles all previous species, with which it has great affinity.

Check out the photo and description of the cape: the main difference between the shaggy lamina is the hairy, quite noticeable tufts that are located along the edge around the cap and are sometimes quite long. In our area, this mushroom is quite rare, but is more often found in the more northern provinces of Russia. It is classified by many scientists as one, and is especially considered as such in France and the Czech Republic. But in our country it is consumed completely harmlessly, however, in Sweden it is often collected and consumed without the slightest harm as food instead.

The place where this fungus grows is certainly in forests on sandy and siliceous soil, most often under birch trees, and it is found at the same time as the previous species.

What do volnushki look like and how do they differ from other milk mushrooms? Their cap is no more than 1.5 to 10 cm wide, first convex and then concave, but always with the edges turned inward. The entire cap of this mushroom, and mainly its outskirts, are covered with thick hairs hanging from the ends in the form of rather long tufts, which gives the mushroom a very beautiful appearance. However, with old age these hairs become barely noticeable. And the description of the wave becomes similar to all other plates.

The color of the cap is pale pink, sometimes tinged with white, but more often yellow or grayish. Moreover, it is almost always dotted with alternately dark and light, wide and circular stripes, which, however, does not constitute a characteristic property of the mushroom, because it depends on the tree leaves falling on it, which is why such patterns often occur on other mushrooms of the same breed with a shaggy blade. The flesh of the cap is the same pale pink color, quite dense and dry.

The blades of the mushroom are the same color as the cap, but are always somewhat paler, and the milky juice of the mushroom is very sharp, yellow-white and does not change when exposed to air.

Even in those years when there are practically no mushrooms in the forests, there is always plenty of prey for an avid and educated mushroom picker. It could be trumpets: mushrooms that always grow in large quantities throughout our country. But not everyone knows about them. But it’s never too late to learn something new and read about how mushrooms grow near us.

So, there are several types of waves. The most common species found in forests are white and pink trumpets with excellent consumer qualities. They belong to the second category of nutritional value. However, they are eaten only in salted form. Moreover, they can be eaten only fifty days after the ambassador was carried out. Young flakes with a cap diameter of up to 3 cm are also suitable for pickling in the traditional way.

What does a pink wave look like?

Volnushka rosea also has an alternative name Volzhanka. It is often found in deciduous forests with predominance. The growing season lasts from June to October. This mushroom is not afraid of frost, and is only demanding of high soil moisture.

The pink cap is up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The color is bright pink with characteristic centric circles over the entire surface. When cut, it produces a bitter, white milky juice. The pulp is light yellow in color, bitter and pungent in taste. In rainy weather, the mushroom becomes covered with mucus and becomes slippery to the touch.

The legs of pink voles grow up to 2 centimeters in diameter and can stretch up to 7 cm in length. The leg is always hollow inside. The color of the outer surface is pink. The inner flesh is slightly pink.

What does a white wave look like?

White volnushka is not common. You need to look for it in open places; it often grows along the side of country roads. In appearance it resembles a pink wave. A distinctive feature is slight pubescence on the entire surface of the cap and stem.

The outer surface of the cap is white and the centric circles are yellowish. The leg is slightly pinkish and has a length of no more than 4 cm. It is used for food.

What are milk mushrooms?

People often say that they collect milk mushrooms. What is this - some other type of mushroom, or the same ordinary mushrooms? After interviewing many mushroom pickers with extensive experience in mushroom hunting, we came to the conclusion that this mysterious expression hides ordinary pink mushrooms. This is a completely fair name. Because they belong to the class of milky fungi, the most famous and widespread of which are precisely.

Where does it grow

White grass grows only in open places where there is enough lighting and a low level of soil moisture. The pink wave, on the contrary, loves shady places in forests of mixed and

If there was a prize for the most charming mushroom, the trumpets would take first place. Rich pinkish-orange color with touching fringe around the edges - what could be cuter? And the pattern on the cap - spiral circles that attract the attentive eye of the mushroom picker? No, no matter what you say, collecting trumpets is an incomparable pleasure. It is endless - you break the fragile root of a pink stout button, and your gaze is already drawn to the next one, you stretch out your hand for it and notice with your peripheral vision more and more grown pink furry buttons. And the basket fills and fills. Although there are never too many of them, you can empty at least a few baskets of them in an evening. And all this with pleasure - the dirt does not stick to the most delicate rough cap, and the blades of grass do not stick, all that remains is to run the knife to cut off the fringe and once again admire the abundant milky juice. And the milky juice of the voles needs not only to be admired, but also to be treated. The waves are all healing. Yes, there are only two types of them: Lactarius torminosus - pink wave and Lactarius pubescens - white wave.

The pleasure of collecting little fish is not only in their beauty, but also in their abundance, but not in such a way that you lose interest. The little ones grow in groups, in flocks, and where there are old ones, there are always young ones, sort of neat pink spots.

When describing the mushroom, it is worth noting that with age, the edges of the cap completely unbend and even rise upward, as if opening up, and then the mushroom becomes more fragile. Then it fades, its stripes (waves) become barely noticeable, the thick edge thins out, becomes ragged, and the whole mushroom looks like a pinkish milk mushroom. Pale pink plates turn yellow in places. There is a certain dryness in the mushroom compared to the poured, vigorous strength from youth. When cut, the volushka secretes abundant white juice, which is very caustic. If you touch it with your tongue, it will seem as if you have dipped the tip of your tongue in strong pepper. Therefore, the volushki must first be kept in cold water so that all the bitterness goes away from them. Then they are usually salted, although they can also be pickled.

On this page you can see a photo and description of the white and pink wave.

Pink wave in the photo

Volnushka pink (Lactarius torminosus) is a lamellar mushroom. It is quite popular among mushroom pickers and is known to most of them as Volzhanka or Volnyanka. It grows in large groups from July to the end of September, but the largest number of mushrooms is observed at the end of July and from the end of August to mid-September.

The favorite habitats of the moth are the northern borders of deciduous and mixed forests with a predominance of birch trees.

The pink trumpet mushroom is edible. The cap is 6-12 cm, meat-red-beige with darker concentric stripes. Young mushrooms have a flat cap, slightly concave in the middle. Over time, the central recess becomes more noticeable, and the cap takes on a funnel-shaped shape, its edges begin to fray and bend downwards. The diameter of the cap of a mature moth is about 10–12 cm. Its surface is covered with a thin, slightly mucous skin, which becomes sticky in wet weather.

As you can see in the photo, the cap of this type of mushroom is painted in a beautiful pink color; a pronounced pattern made up of concentric stripes of a brick-red hue gives it a special decorative effect:

On the underside of the cap there are adherent or slightly descending plates.

The plates are light meat-red in color. The leg is reddish, hollow, 5-15 cm, 1-2 cm thick. Its color, as a rule, matches the color of the cap, but has a lighter shade. The milk is white, its color changes in the air, and it has a very pungent taste. Spore powder is colorless or white.

The pulp of the volushka is fragile, loose, white or slightly pinkish, with a pleasant mushroom aroma. It secretes a milky sap with a bitter, even acrid taste, which retains its color when exposed to air. The pulp of the trumpet is rarely wormy; apparently, forest dwellers do not like it.

Whether the trumpet is edible or not, there is no doubt. But they are used, as a rule, only for pickling, but require pre-treatment to avoid mild food poisoning. The collected mushrooms are soaked in cold water for at least 2–3 days or boiled. Experienced mushroom pickers select for pickling only young mushrooms with small caps with a diameter of no more than 3–4 cm. In addition to their good taste, they delight the eye with neat curls formed by the inwardly curved edges of the caps.

It can be confused with saffron milk cap, which, unlike volushka, can be prepared in any way. Camelina is characterized by orange, not white, non-burning milk.

These photos show what a pink wave looks like:

Volnushka white

The lower plants of the genus Lacticaria have a wide variety, among which is the mushroom, the photo and description of the forest representative emphasizes certain similarities with camelina, red milk mushroom or real milk mushroom. Among the wavefish you can also find many different types, for example, white, pink or faded wavefish.

Not every beginner who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what the mushroom looks like.

Not every beginner who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what the mushroom looks like. Photos and characteristics of the plant can be a good help before starting to collect lower plants.

The main difference between the white trumpet (downy trumpet, white cape, etc.) and other species is the color of the cap and the density of the body. The upper part of the plant is white, with a slight darkening in the center; there is no concentric pattern on the cap of the porcini mushroom. At the beginning of growth, it has a densely lowered, convex shape. Over time, the appearance of the cap changes, becoming flat-like, with a small depression in the center, up to 6 cm in diameter. The body of the upper part has thin adherent plates, they are endowed with a white color.

The shape of the leg is usual, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height. The small fungus has a stalk without cavities; during the period of growth, the structure of this part of the body changes, and an emptiness appears inside. When broken, the product releases a bitter milky juice, it is quite aromatic, and does not change color when oxidized in air. White trumpets grow in well-lit places; they can often be found at the entrance to the forest.

Another representative of the genus Lacticaria is the roseate. This attractive mushroom is rarely found in forests. Unlike its white counterpart, the pink wavefish settles in shaded and humid places. In cooking, volushka is used after heat treatment. It belongs to the conditionally edible representatives of the second category. Most often it is pickled and salted.

The diameter of the cap reaches 12-14 cm, its color is pleasant pink. Young mushrooms have a convex cap; as they grow, its shape changes to flat, with a small depression. The cap of a large wave is similar to a funnel; its upper part is decorated with small fibers. They are located in circles. At the bottom of the cap there are thin cream-colored plates. This part of the body is very fragile. When cut, the forest product exudes a faint resinous aroma; the raw body tastes bitter. Pink milkweed can be found near edible mushroom families; the plant loves birch trees.

The shape of the leg is normal, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height

The first wave of milkmen appears in the second half of July, the second batch begins to make its way in August. At the beginning of Indian summer, pink trumpets bear fruit most actively.

An interesting representative of the laticifers is the fading moth, otherwise this mushroom is called the gray russet, some call it the moth. This mushroom grows on moss, under birch trees. When exposed to air, the white milky sap of the plant oxidizes and turns gray. When you press on the body of the faded wave, dark spots are formed. The upper part of the body has a wavy appearance, the cap grows from 3 to 8 cm in diameter. The cylindrical leg has a void inside.

In terms of nutritional value, this mushroom belongs to the second category; it is salted, pickled and even fried. Before any culinary procedure, the plant undergoes active heat treatment.

Volnushki, greenfinches, pigs (video)

Culinary processing of mushrooms

It was noted earlier that volushki must be boiled before use. Gourmets claim that pink trumpet is extremely good when pickled. The caps of young representatives of the forest are used for salting. Any mushrooms, white, pink, etc. After they enter the house, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly and clear of forest debris. Then the mushrooms are soaked for 40-50 minutes in cold water. During this period, the plants will lose their unpleasant bitterness. After all, the semi-finished product is boiled with salt and bay leaf.

Ready boiled mushrooms are laid out in jars prepared in advance, garlic, allspice and other favorite spices are added to them. The containers are filled with brine and a small amount of vegetable oil. The jars are sealed and stored in a dark, cool place for 40-50 days. The brine is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of water you need to take 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt.

Volushka mushroom (video)

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